
Hi there! I’m Lori, I am a Physician Associate, Health and Wellness Expert, Wife, Momma, and Multi-passionate Entrepreneur and Educator.  

 I live to help other women regain the quality of life that they deserve. 


I was working in a very demanding job as a Physician Associate, starting a side hustle, being a new mom, and trying to be a good wife and friend, but I was running on fumes. 

As women we try to do it all and unfortunately hustle culture society isn’t helping. And as mothers we really try to do it all and for everyone, often times leaving ourselves last on the list. I too can say that I was guilty of this same offense. I was trying to be it all and do it all. Then it all caught up with me. I did not feel like myself. I felt depressed, overwhelmed, lacking energy, moody, not feeling like I was present when I was with the people I loved. One night, my husband expressed to me that I was frequently giving off stressed energy (even thought I thought that I was suppressing it) and it was affecting the relationship with both him and our daughter. This brought tears to my eyes. Something had to change.   

Then I learned how to change my underlying patterns. 

I refused to fall victim to the "hot mess mom" stigma and refused to stay in this cycle of not only self destruction, but one that was damaging my relationship with the people I loved the most. I have always been into personal improvement work so I knew it was time to dive back into researching which methods would help my new situation. 

After finding clarity on what I was truly striving to achieve, I was able to recognize those patterns that continued to weigh me down. Learning to make simple small shifts has been life-altering. I am back to feeling like the badass I was prior to having my daughter and have control back over my life. I no longer am just reacting to what is being thrown my way. 

I have regained my physical and mental health with my new habits and systems. Joy and calmness has truly been brought back into my life! It is my mission to show other mothers that they too can regain their lives back, and create one that they desire and deserve to live! 

"These pains you feel are messengers, listen to them."


Take Control—

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